Volunteer Stories 2023


Gary He (2023)

Mirna DaherI am Gary joined CICS youth volunteer team in June 2021.

Until today, I still remember my first volunteer job was helping the program design posters. Afterward, I participated in many of activities and met many friends here at CICS. By volunteering in various youth programs and the agency’s other programs, such as the food bank and CS Seniors program. I gained valuable skills, broadened my horizons, and discovered why CICS is such a great place to volunteer.

In 2022, I volunteered at the summer camp and while my job was to ensure the safety and well-being of the campers. Every day I faced some challenges, but I gained rich experience in leadership. One of the most satisfying aspects was witnessing the personal growth of the campers. On the first day, there were a few kids who were naughty and didn’t want to listen to us but in retrospect, wasn’t it the same when we were younger? So we guided them step by step with our well-designed teamwork efforts. Teamwork is another integral part of the summer camp experience for me. I worked with CICS staff and other volunteers to plan and execute events. I learned the importance of effective teamwork and communication. I learned to lean on each other’s strengths and support each other to get through challenging times. Over the summer, I saw many young children improving and some of them who were shy at first became more confident.

Volunteering at CICS has taught me in multiple ways. It expanded my cultural awareness and sensitivity. Interacting with people from different backgrounds has broadened my horizons and deepened my respect for different cultures and experiences. This newfound cultural competence is a skill that I can apply in my personal and professional life.

Additionally, my experience at CICS as a youth volunteer has enhanced my communication and interpersonal skills. Working with people who may face language barriers or have special needs requires more patience and effective communication. Not only are these skills valuable for volunteers, but they are transferable to any workplace or social setting.

All in all, my volunteering experience at CICS has been a very enriching one. It allows me to contribute to the community while gaining valuable skills and cultural awareness. I also cherish the time of volunteering in the past few years.


Annie Zhang (2023)

Raymark BancolitaI am Annie, a youth volunteer in CICS IYC Program.

I have done the gardening program for a few years where we went to the garden in Markham behind the church and grew and harvested crops. I have participated in a couple of holiday events that required decorating, planning, and hosting of the Markham IYC location. I volunteered for the summer camp at the IRC for the summer of 2022, and I took on the camp counsellor position for youths aged 8-12. Lastly, I also took on the president position of the iCAN youth council for the IYC of Markham and helped to host many fun events for youths in Markham in 2022- 2023.

Volunteering at CICS has helped me to gain many skills as a high school student because I get to learn more about the people and community that I live in. So many of the skills that I have learned throughout my volunteering experience for CICS has brought me closer to many acquaintances and has led me to build strong connections with some of the members of CICS. It has also helped me to grow closer with my community because I am always trying my best to give back to the community by being an active member of society.

CICS is an excellent place to do volunteer work because it is the first place where I did my volunteer work when I first began high school. So many opportunities were granted to me as time went on, and there was never a time where I wasn’t occupied by doing something that benefitted myself and others. CICS is the best place for newcomers when they need guidance, and it has shaped me to become the person I am today through the amazing people I have encountered as a volunteer for CICS!