Volunteer Guidelines

As valued and integral members of CICS, volunteers understand that all volunteer service must be performed in accordance with CICS' vison and mission as well as CICS's core values of compassion, inclusion and collaboration. Volunteers also understand that they have obligations similar to those of CICS employees in the promotion of a productive, enjoyable, and mutually beneficial work environment.
The following guidelines outline the understanding of a volunteer towards their role and the mutual expectations between CICS and the volunteer:
  1. Expectations
    • The volunteer is expected to be on time to perform the prescribed duties or assignments.
    • If it is not possible to attend the arranged assignment, the volunteer shall call to inform the staff/ Volunteer Coordinator at the earliest time.
    • By signing the Confidentiality Form, the volunteer agrees to hold strict confidentiality of any personal, professional or otherwise classified information that they may have come across over the course of performing volunteer duties for CICS.
    • By signing the Media Release Form, the volunteer agrees to allow their personal image to be used in any media for the purpose of promoting the work of CICS.
    • For specific assignments related to children and other vulnerable program users, a police check and TB test may be required prior to the placement.
    • The volunteer will raise any concerns to staff/Volunteer Coordinator during their placement.
    • The volunteers will familiarize themselves and act in accordance with CICS's health and safety and other relevant policies.
    • The volunteer will treat all program participants in a manner that respects their choices, dignity, and confidentiality.
    • CICS is committed to fostering a space where everyone is welcome to show-up and engage without fear of harassment. The volunteer understands that harassment of individuals and/or organizations participating in this space will not be tolerated. CICS reserves the right to remove/dismiss volunteers from the space if such harassment or perceived harassment occurs.
  2. Supervision and Training
    • The staff responsible will brief, support and assist the volunteer in their assigned task(s).
    • Training will be provided, as needed, to equip the volunteer with the skills required for specific tasks.
  3. Proof of Service
    Proof of Service will be provided on request after completion of 40 service hours. The request must be made within two years of service. Two weeks advance notice is required for preparing the document.
  4. Trial Period
    The length of a trial period depends on the assignment and normally occurs within the first two months of service. The purpose is for both CICS and the volunteer to review mutual suitability.
  5. Evaluation
    Volunteer feedback and comments are important to CICS to help improve and enhance the content, quality, and delivery of programs and services that meet client needs.
  6. Recognition
    Volunteers with commendable contributions will be recognized each year by CICS.
CICS reserves the right to make changes to the volunteer guidelines at any time and without prior notice. June 2024