逢星期四 基本保健服務

CICS would like to announce a new partnership with Scarborough Centre for Healthy Communities and their Interprofessional Primary Care Team (IPPC). This partnership will bring primary care services to our IRC office on 2330 Midland Ave one day a week on Thursdays.
The Scarborough IPPC is a new program which provides patients with access to a coordinated team of health care professionals. The goal of our team is to strengthen integration of primary care services to improve the patient experience, and to meet the needs of vulnerable patients with complex healthcare requirements.
No family doctor? You can receive primary care from our nurse practitioners by calling 416-847-4165 to book an appointment.
The IPPC Team includes nurse practitioners, registered nurses, social workers, mental health case workers, harm reduction workers, registered dieticians, foot care nurses, chiropodists, physiotherapy and occupational therapy.
To be eligible for our services, the patient or referring provider must reside in Scarborough.
SERVICES AVAILABLE- Appointments start June 20th, 2022 and may take up to an hour
- Translation services are available upon request
- You and your family members are able to attend the appointment together if you do not have a family doctor
- You do not need a health card to access this service
- Initial service will include a meeting with a Nurse Practitioner
- Nurse Practitioners (NPs) are registered nurses who have met additional education, experience and exam requirements set by the College. They are authorized to diagnose, order and interpret diagnostic tests and prescribe medication and other treatment.
Services available at 2330 Midland Ave. For English call 416-847-4165 for appt. Fax 416-410-7072 For Cantonese or Mandarin please call 647-336-8516 to make appt.
移民綜合服務中心(華諮處)與士嘉堡社區健康中心 (Scarborough Centre for Healthy Communities) 及其跨專業基層醫療服務團隊 (Interprofessional Primary Care Team) 合作,逢星期四在華諮處位於士嘉堡的總部為社區人士提供基本保健服務。
執業護士、 註冊護士、 社工、精神健康個案工作員、減少危害工作員、註冊營養師、足部護理護士、足病治療師、物理治療師及職業治療師。
英語熱線: 416-847-4165
國、粵語熱線: 647-336-8516
- 此服務於 2022 年 6 月 20 日開始提供,每次診療時間在一小時內。
- 就診資格:患者必須居住於士嘉堡,且沒有家庭醫生。
- 可應要求提供翻譯服務
- 無須 OHIP 醫療卡也可使用服務
- 初步會見執業護士 (Nurse Practitioner, NP)
- 執業護士是符合安大略省護士協會 (College of Nurses of Ontario) 規定,擁有額外學歷、經驗及考試要求的註冊護士。他們有權為患者診症,安排診斷測試及分析結果,並處方藥物及其他治療
- 如有需要,執業護士會轉介患者至士嘉堡社區健康中心診治
服務地址為 2330 Midland Avenue。 傳真號碼:416-410-7072
移民综合服务中心(华咨处)与士嘉堡社区健康中心(Scarborough Centre for Healthy Communities) 及其跨专业基层医疗服务团队 (Interprofessional PrimaryCare Team) 合作,每周一在华咨处位於士嘉堡的总部为社区人士提供基本保健服务。
执业护士、 註册护士、 社工、精神健康个案工作员、减少危害工作员、註册营养师、足部护理护士、足病治疗师、物理治疗师及职业治疗师。
英语热线: 416-847-4165
国、粤语热线: 647-336-8516
- 此服务於 2022 年 6 月 20 日(周一)开始提供,每次诊疗时间在一小时内。
- 就诊资格:患者必须居住於士嘉堡,且没有家庭医生。
- 可应要求提供翻译服务
- 无须 OHIP 医疗卡也可使用服务
- 初步会见执业护士 (Nurse Practitioner)
- 执业护士是符合安大略省护士协会(College of Nurses of Ontario) 规定,拥有额外学历、经验及考试要求的註册护士。他们有权为患者诊症,安排诊断测试及分析结果,并开具药物及其他治疗处方
- 如有需要,执业护士会转介患者至士嘉堡社区健康中心诊治
服务地址为 2330 Midland Avenue。 传真号码:416-410-7072